Sequels, New Ideas, & Changes
Not enough time in the day to get everything done - that is for sure
For the record, Self-Publishing isn’t the “easy way” to publish
So it’s been a minute… Life got ahead of me and I got lost in words, just not here on my blog.
Sequel: There is a sequel to Love Is… the title is Love Stories Are… and it’s coming out September 28, 2022. This has been where I have been buried in words and creating a new tale. This story will focus on Vinnie and him finding his own space outside of his family. Although you know his family will be involved - they are always in each other’s business. There will also be answers to those unanswered questions from the end of Love Is… We are going to meet Anna, a professional woman, who has never really had a family so suddenly becoming part of the Goodroe clan is gonna be a touch overwhelming. Love Stories Are… is going to be more on the drama side of things, but will absolutely have my gallows/blue-collar humor threaded throughout. In my upcoming blog post in September, I will be discussing more in detail why Love Stories Are… is so incredibly personal to me. For now, we’ll leave it at, I wrote a sequel, and the growth from book one to book two is stark.
New Ideas: Writers are always looking to draw people into their worlds and I am no exception. Coming out in a day or two is “Gram Satan’s Rated-R Recipes” this is a cookbook that will be available on KU (Kindle Unlimited) and will feature the recipes mentioned in my books, along with a couple of notes, and snips of character dialogue. Click here for the cookbook.
In addition to the cookbook, I am also opening a Patreon that will host monthly short stories from my world. Currently, there are two tiers: Reader and Listener. The reader tier will allow you to read the short stories and the listener tier will allow you to listen to me read/tell the stories. Please note I am NOT a professional narrator nor do I possess professional equipment, so please keep that in mind. I will do my best to put out a quality piece of work, but I am still learning. You can find the Patreon here.
Changes: My ebooks will now be available on Kindle Unlimited. Previously they were available for wide release and that’s not the case anymore. Why? Mostly because I am a new writer and the other sites simply aren’t generating sales. Being on KU gives the possibility for more people to see my work and see if they want to follow me. Click here to read Love Is…
Those are the major things happening right now. Goals going forward into next year: keep the monthly blog and newsletter up, monthly Patreon updates, release the sequel, and start working on my third book and worldbuilding for my fourth. I cannot thank you all enough for being a part of this journey. Be blessed! Love to all of my Lovelies.