Recognising Accomplishments

After spending most of my life wanting to be a published author, how am feeling now that I've accomplished my goal? The answer isn't as black and white as I thought it would be. Do I feel incredibly accomplished? -Yes, 100% But is there also a feeling of being let down -Also Yes, but I'll explain...

Despite telling myself hundreds of times “in writing overnight successes don’t happen” part of me hoped that it would happen. It’s the allure of social media and viral campaigns - you see the shiny results, not the hard work behind it. I had to refocus my mindset about things.

Most of my disappointment comes from my own lack of planning and how I wished I had dedicated time to learn more about self-publishing before I jumped in with only one eye open. I wish I would have given myself more time to edit (example: gagging - if you know, you know LOL) and more time to build up my mailing list and marketing. But now that I know more, I'll be more prepared for the release of the sequel, I hope at least. I’ve always picked things up quickly learning the ins and outs has been challenging and expensive in some cases. I’ve gotten looped up in a scam or two trying to find a 'quick success’ marketing strategy.

On a more positive note: I did it! Regardless of any of my missteps, it’s still real. While Love Is... hasn't gotten a lot of attention, the attention it has gotten has been positive and that's encouraging. I can’t be mad at eight - 5 star reviews on Amazon and all the kind words. I wrote a story that people enjoy. I love that I did that.

There are challenges moving forward. I have an editor booked and a 1/3 of what I need to pay her in full, so grateful that she was willing to accept installment payments. Now I need to keep promoting Love Is…, building my mailing list, and trying to build up some hype! As I was working on the book I kept thinking “xxx” is my least favorite part of this - but marketing is what I dislike the most. It’s hard for me to brag about myself and my work.

Now to circle back to the title, because I am nothing if not constantly distracted by the noise in my own head. I PUBLISHED A BOOK. I didn’t think about it. I didn’t just start it. I didn’t just write it. I didn’t just edit it. I didn’t just format it. I didn’t just have someone help me with a cover. I didn’t just establish an LLC and create an indie publishing company. I didn’t just re-format, re-edit, upload, and made the book available. I DID THE WHOLE THING. I had plenty of help along the way and I am forever grateful. Ultimately though, I had to make the choices and follow through with this journey. I’ve learned a lot so far, but there’s always more to learn and things are always changing.

I’ve sold almost 100 copies of my book and that’s nothing to sneeze at. I’m proud of myself. As I continue with writing, I hope you will all enjoy the stories that I publish.

Personally, I am so excited to be working on the sequel and I'm scheduled to be on a podcast in October of this year.


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